

How Paleo and CBD Work Together for Optimum Health

How Paleo and CBD Work Together for Optimum Health

Sabina King on Jun 19th 2019

                   Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet and CBD are two of the hottest wellness trends.

The Paleo diet has stood the test of time because it's easy to stick to and the benefits include weight loss and a natural energy boost.

As more people give the paleo diet a try, they’re beginning to wonder which health products work well with the paleo diet.

CBD is one product that gained significant popularity over the past few years for reducing inflammation, increasing energy and balancing the body's systems. Several users have found that it helps them with various diets, like Intermittent Fasting or the Ketogenic Diet.

In this article, we will examine what the paleo diet is, some of its benefits, and why paleo and CBD work great together.

Support Paleo diet CBD dropsThe Paleo Diet

Though it's called the Paleo Diet, it's really the Paleo Lifestyle. The paleo diet is based on the idea that humans should be eating as they did during the Paleolithic era. This era began 2.5 million years ago and stretched to 10,000 years ago. During this time, humans were hunter-gatherers and ate many foods that are available today. However, some of the foods popular today were not available to hunter-gatherers.

  • The paleo diet eliminates dairy products, legumes, grains, sugar, and processed foods. Our ancestors did not eat this type of food. They do not fit into the paleo mold.
  • People following the paleo diet eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, fish, and certain oils. The diet of those living during the paleo era consisted of these primary foods.

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The paleo diet centers around the ‘discordance hypothesis’. This is a concept that states that our bodies are not matched to today’s diets. Because farming came so late in human history, and products of farming (such as dairy, grains and legumes) became staples so quickly, it’s possible that the human body could not evolve fast enough. Paleo dieters believe this is the reason that disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are so common. Paleo dieters can vary on the spectrum from extremely austere to somewhat relaxed. A lot of Paleo dieters enjoy the occasional cup of coffee or glass of wine, while others like to eat and drink only what they hunt or grow themselves – essentially going back to being a true Paleolithic human.

As the paleo diet has risen in popularity, there have been many studies examining the potential health benefits of the diet. One study examined the ability of the paleo diet to reduce the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study found that after consuming a paleo diet for 3 months, subjects showed reductions in the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.1

Is CBD Oil Paleo?

All cannabinoids work great with CBD because they come from hemp! Early hunter-gatherers consumed hemp for centuries.

However, not all CBD products on the market are paleo. CBD oils with added sugars or CBD gumdrops aren't for a paleo diet. To know if a CBD product is paleo-friendly, check the ingredients. Hempure uses MCT oil (Fractionated coconut oil) - which is paleo-friendly - as the carrier oil. Thus, Hempure CBD drops, softgels, and vape juice are all perfectly fine - and beneficial - to consume while living the paleo lifestyle.

Hemp and the Paleo diet

Hemp is a species of the cannabis plant, but one that doesn’t contain much THC. Marijuana, for instance, contains between 20-40% THC, while hemp (by law) contains 0.3% or less. This makes hemp non-psychoactive, a property our ancestors probably loved since it allowed them to move around unhindered. Hemp has a long history of cultivation, having been around for about 10,000 years. Hemp seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which explains why it is an ancient superfood. Since parts of the hemp plant do contain trace amounts of CBD, it’s safe to assume we had been consuming cannabinoids for centuries, and there’s no reason to stop now!

Why CBD Works Well With The Paleo Diet

If you are taking a paleo CBD oil like Hempure, then it can actually help your diet. Even if you've been on the paleo diet for a year, starting to use CBD has benefits. Here are a few reasons people on the paleo lifestyle and CBD are a good combo:

  • Promotes Weight Loss

One of the main reasons people start on the paleo diet is because of the significant weight loss benefits it offers. One study published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry found that CBD stimulated the proteins and genes that encourage fat breakdown. The study also found that CBD could encourage activity and energy use within cellular mitochondria.

When mitochondria are active, they encourage the burning of calories. Researchers in the study mentioned above also noted CBD may change “white fat” into “brown fat.” White fat is commonly believed to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and disease, whereas brown fat can promote weight loss because it is burned for energy.

  • Balances Your Appetite

Along with promoting weight loss, CBD helps to promote a balanced appetite. Have you ever had a day where you felt like you could eat everything in your pantry? Or a day where you just didn’t feel like eating at all? Chances are if you’ve experienced either of those you may have had an endocannabinoid system that was out of balance. CBD works within the endocannabinoid system supporting balance and proper functionality.

Here’s what you need to know about the endocannabinoid system and appetite:

  • Balances every system in the body: The endocannabinoid system balances out all of the 11 physiological systems of the body and many other biological processes.
  • Plays a major role in regulating hunger.
  • You're more likely to develop metabolic syndrome when receptors within the endocannabinoid system get overstimulated. This condition is associated with increased blood sugar, higher blood pressure, eating more, and increases in body fat.2
  • In a study where all endocannabinoid receptors were blocked, appetite totally disappeared.This indicates that when the endocannabinoid system reaches a state of imbalance, you will be either extremely hungry or not hungry at all.
  • CBD works to balance out the receptors within the endocannabinoid system. By balancing out this system of receptors, it may be possible to find a sweet spot for appetite where you eat neither too much nor too little.

With a balanced appetite, you’ll be less likely to overeat or get cravings for foods that aren’t paleo friendly. It may be tough to fight food urges when you first give up sugar and processed foods. CBD could make the transition to a more healthful diet easier by curbing those cravings.

Paleo and CBD is a total win!

CBD Is Great Before and After A Workout

A Paleo lifestyle incorporates natural movement and exercise into the overall wellness routine. Exercise is, without question, one of the best ways to improve your health.

Many people report feeling a general feeling of calm and happiness after taking CBD, which can benefit you if you don’t feel like working out. By improving your mood, you may feel more motivated and excited to work out.

After your workout, CBD balm is helpful to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after a tough workout. CBD helps the body recover quicker after exertion. Apply it whatever feels sore and start to feel better.

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How to incorporate CBD into your Paleo lifestyle:

There are several options for those looking to combine CBD and Paleo:

  • CBD oil tinctures can be taken every day in the morning for a brain-body boost. You can also mix these into your meals. Take them sublingually (under the tongue) for better effects.
  • CBD capsules can be taken every morning too, but these are metabolized slower to give you effects that last all day.
  • CBD vape oil can be used pre-workout. This kicks in more or less immediately, so it’ll give your workout an enhancement.
  • CBD balm can be used to massage sore muscles post workout.

Final Thoughts on CBD and The Paleo Diet

If you’re thinking about starting the paleo diet, CBD may be the perfect product to accompany you on your journey to better health. Because of its impact on weight loss, hunger, energy level, mood, and the general benefits it gives for working out, CBD is the perfect companion to the paleo diet.

Both Paleo and CBD will continue to be a strong pairing in the world of health and wellness.



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