
The cleanest THC-free CBD.


The Complete CBD Tincture guide

CBD Tincture: Everything You Need to Know

CBD is rapidly gaining popularity, with several people taking it the same way they’d take other daily supplements. CBD users might find that it helps with relieving anxiety and providing immune support, and numerous studies[3] support the benefits of regular CBD use.

CBD is also considered safe; according to Harvard Health Publishing[1] and the report from the World Health Organization[2], CBD does not exhibit any potential for substance abuse. Moreover, the use of pure CBD has not been the cause of any public health-related problems. This is why most people use CBD as a vitamin supplement to support the relief of anxiety.
As with any supplement, it always helps to know how it works, why it works and how to take it. This extensive guide will answer all

1. What is CBD?

To understand CBD, it’s important to know about the existence and purpose of the body’s endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS is an organ system whose main function is to bring balance to other organ systems including the digestive, endocrine and immune system - pretty much boosting all-around wellness. The ECS has cannabinoid receptors all over the body, which interact with compounds called cannabinoids to support its healthy functioning.

The body produces its own cannabinoids (called endocannabinoids), but with today’s modern life, diet and the stresses we put on our minds, we use them up quickly and the ECS benefits from extra support.

That’s where CBD comes in.


CBD is a naturally occurring cannabinoid in the hemp plant. It has the ability to bind with cannabinoid receptors in the body and help support the endocannabinoid system.

It’s important to note that CBD is not THC, even though they’re both found in the same plants and have a similar chemical structure. They affect the human body in very different ways, the most notable difference being the fact that CBD has no psychoactive influence, so it’s impossible to ‘get high’ with CBD. This is another factor that makes CBD a viable health supplement.

In most cases, CBD is derived from hemp and not cannabis. The hemp plant contains less than 0.3 percent of THC [5], making it easier to process.

CBD is a naturally occurring cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. It is a 21-carbon terpenophenolic compound that forms as a decarboxylation from the cannabidiolic acid precursor. In more general terms, CBD is a cannabinoid molecule that affects the body’s endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in the development of the central nervous system. Moreover, it affects the synaptic plasticity and the response to endogenous and environmental stimuli.[4] CBD molecules, like all cannabinoid molecules, interact with this system. Hence, the endocannabinoid system is comprised of cannabinoid receptors with which CBD tends to bind.

However, CBD is not THC. Even though both of them have a similar chemical structure and are found in the same plants, they have a very different effect on the human body. The most notable difference lies in the psychoactive influence. It is impossible to “get high” with CBD.

Because of its balancing health properties and lack of psychoactive effects, CBD is used for a wide variety of health benefits. Moreover, in most cases, CBD comes from hemp. The hemp plant contains less than 0.3 percent of THC.[5]

CBD tincture is easy to administer and one of the simplest ways to experience the benefits of CBD.

2. how do you take cbd?

There are several ways to administer CBD. Depending on personal preferences,
you can use the following methods:

The most common way to administer CBD is through oral ingestion. With oral intake , the options range from : edibles, capsules, drops, drinks and more. However, most beginners tend to use tinctures or drops because they are very easy to use and measure accurate dosage and have the most versatility.

When you take CBD orally, it passes to the digestive system, and is then metabolised by the liver. Once that process is over, it enters your bloodstream, and the active compounds start affecting the endocannabinoid system. This is how the human body processes most orally ingested vitamins and supplements.

You can even put CBD in beverages like coffee or smoothies.



Sublingual administration of CBD oil tinctures or drops is an efficient way to absorb CBD via the mucous membranes in your mouth

Sublingual CBD directions: place the desired number of drops of CBD under your tongue and hold it for up to 90 seconds. This gives the mucous membranes in the mouth enough time to absorb the oil.

This method is more effective than normal ingestion because sublingual application bypasses the digestive system and liver, so the active compounds of the CBD oil can get to your bloodstream sooner. If faster relief sounds like something you’d like, this might be the option for you.


Topical CBD products like balms and salves, have a direct effect on the area being treated and don’t have to first enter the bloodstream.The CBD is absorbed by the skin and interacts with cannabinoid receptors in nearby cells. These can be used for localized relief from aching joints, soreness or inflammation as well as daily skin health care..


You can inhale CBD by using a vape device. Vaporizers heat the CBD oil enough so that the active compounds will release directly into the lungs and then quickly into the bloodstream. Vaping CBD gives much faster results , and also allows the highest amount of CBD to enter the bloodstream.

3. What are CBD TINCTURES?

CBD tinctures are potent liquids that contain high levels of cannabinoid molecules. The manufacturing process includes cannabis flowers and high-proof grain alcohol.

By steeping cannabis flowers in alcohol, and then applying low heat for a long period of time, the spirit becomes infused. Since this process vaporises most of the alcohol, only the active substances (CBD) remain in the solution. Sometimes, manufacturers add additional oils for better taste.

The most suitable delivery system for CBD-rich cannabis for beginners is a CBD tincture. The length and strength of the result depends on whether you take it orally or sublingually You can decide how you want to take CBD based on your personal needs.


4. What is CBD bioavailability?

CBD bioavailability refers to the amount and rate at which CBD absorbs into the bloodstream.[6] Bioavailability measures how much of the product is present in the body and produces
an effect. Essentially, the greater the percentage of the CBD that enters your bloodstream, the more bioavailable the CBD in your product is.

CBD bioavailability varies according to the administration method, dosage and levels of concentration in the product.

Absorption rates of CBD

5. How to take CBD Tincture?


CBD tincture should be administered in small doses because it is a concentrated solution. The best way To take CBD tincture, especially for therapeutic purposes, is to put the drops under your tongue.That’s the reason why almost all tinctures come with a built-in dropper that allows users to take carefully measured quantities.

According to recent research[7] on CBD administration methods, sublingual use makes CBD more efficient and consistent in the body than other oral alternatives.

However, there is more than one way to take CBD tinctures.

Other than the sublingual method, you can also put the drops in food. Depending on your preferences you can mix the CBD drops with your morning coffee, smoothie, water, soup and pasta. The effect of the drops doesn’t change if you use them with food. However, it may take longer for you to feel the effects since the CBD has to be processed by your digestive system and liver first. Oral ingestion also reduces bioavailability to an extent, since some of it will be lost in the digestive process.

When the drops are administered with food, the active substances have to go through the digestive system and the liver before they reach the bloodstream.

6. Is the CBD Oil tincture administration method better?

In general, CBD oil tincture administration is simple and extremely versatile. For therapeutic and faster effects, take it sublingually. By bypassing the digestive system and the liver, you feel the effects of the active substances sooner.

For a less effective method, you can take it orally by mixing it in your food or drink. CBD oil tincture can easily be incorporated into any schedule, which is what makes it so popular among beginners.


7. Is CBD use safe?

As of the writing of this extensive guide, there is not a known case of CBD overdose or a toxicity case. According to a 2001 study[9] on the safety and possible side effects of CBD use, it was established that:

“…CBD does not induce changes on food intake, does not induce catalepsy, does not affect physiological parameters (heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature), does not affect gastrointestinal transit and does not alter psychomotor or psychological functions.”[10]

CBD could potentially interfere with levels of certain blood thinners. Similar to grapefruit juice, it can also interact with other medications.[8] If you’re unsure whether CBD interacts with your medications, feel free to consult with your doctor before taking it.

The quality of the CBD you take is also heavily reliant on the quality of the hemp. If the hemp was grown in a toxic environment (poisonous pesticides or in soil containing heavy metals), then the product is going to carry the same chemicals. This is by far the biggest risk factor when it comes to CBD products.[11]

Note: Make sure your CBD tincture is third party lab tested.

8. What is the ideal cbd Dosage?

There is no ideal CBD dosage for everyone. Because of numerous variables like weight, diet, metabolism, genetics, environment, product consistency and others, it’s not possible to determine one dosage that would fit everyone equally.[12]

Since everyone is different, the best approach is to take the minimal dose recommended by the manufacturer of the product. In most cases, the dosage is on the back of the label, with additional relevant information about the CBD product.

Furthermore, cannabis compounds have biphasic properties.[13] Therefore, low and high doses of the same substance can produce opposite effects. In low doses, it can stimulate you, but in high doses, it can sedate you.

The FDA has not created a Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for CBD, which means CBD does not have an official serving size. However, the “general guidelines” are 25 mg of CBD, taken twice a day.[14]


9. What is a pure CBD tincture?


A pure CBD tincture is manufactured only for sublingual and oral use. It’s made from organic hemp, and with a CO2 extraction process to extract the cannabidiol from the plant.

The Hempure CBD tincture is pure, clear and without any “hempy” taste. Each CBD product is flavoured with natural essential oils. Furthermore, the tincture is made from organically grown hemp in the USA, and is toxin-free.

Additionally, Hempure CBD products are:

  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • Keto-friendly
  • 0.0% THC
  • CO2 extracted
  • Sugar-free
  • Additive-free
  • Derived from organically grown hemp
  • Broad-spectrum

10. How is a Broad-spectrum CBD tincture different?

A broad-spectrum CBD tincture contains not only CBD, but other compounds from the hemp plant too such as terpenes, flavanoids and phytocannabinoids. This has been found to increase the bioavailability and efficacy of the solution , providing maximum support and balance to one’s overall well-being.

The Hempure tincture is a broad-spectrum CBD containing a balance of several compounds in the hemp plant, but no THC. These compounds work in synergy with each other to increase efficacy and use in the body. This is commonly referred to as the ‘entourage effect’ in supplements.

Moreover, when you use a broad-spectrum CBD, you’re also gaining the individual benefits from the other cannabinoids found in the plant in addition to the benefits of their synergy.


While CBD is the main ingredient, some of the other cannabinoids that have beneficial influence are:

  • THCV – promotes bone health
  • CBCA and CBC – support the reduction of inflammation and fungal infection
  • CBGA and CBG – support the reduction of bacterial growth[15]

The enhanced efficiency of broad-spectrum CBD was proven by a research study[16] where broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate were administered to two different groups of mice. The group that was given broad-spectrum CBD showed higher absorption rates and bioavailability.

11. CBD tincture uses and benefits

There are plenty CBD tincture uses and CBD tincture benefits that support the health and wellbeing of the user.. Depending on the needs of the person, CBD can be the daily support for general health and wellness, or it can be used for a more specific issue. Here is a list of the most common reasons people use CBD:
Health, well-being and calm

With regular and proper use of CBD tinctures, you will regain a sense of overall well-being, and enriched calmness. This new “Joie de Vivre” can manifest in more ways than one. For most people, it is enhanced mental focus and clarity. For others, it’s the ease with which they complete their daily tasks. For some, it is the feeling of serenity.

CBD can be an excellent supplement addition for people that worry too much about their day-to-day tasks. Think of it as a general feeling of ‘I got this’. That may not sound like a lot, but chronic worriers will know it’s a huge relief.



A better-functioning gut

Because of CBD’s unique properties, it can restore and support the natural balance of the gut. CBD reacts with the endocannabinoid receptors all over the human body, including the ones in the intestines, stomach and brain. They are responsible for creating a naturally healthy microbiome in the gut

Moreover, CBD supports the regulation of stomach acids and eases nausea and vomiting. CBD reduces nausea by interacting with the serotonin receptors in the body.[17]

Supporting brain function

The cannabis plants have a long history of beneficial influences. Numerous physical, psychological and emotional benefits are connected to it since its first reported use in 2,600 BC in a Chinese pharmacopoeia.[18]

One of the most beneficial properties of CBD is that it’s a powerful antioxidant. That means that CBD inhibits the process that creates free radicals in the body, which in turn damage cells. With regular and proper use of this supplement, you’ll be giving your body a boost on that front.

Furthermore, CBD is also a neuroprotectant. One of its functions is supporting the development of new neurons and preventing further damage to old neurons.

Promotes acne reduction

Acne is the most common skin condition among Americans, and can cause harm to one’s sense of self confidence and self worth. The reason that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to curing acne is because it has several different causes. Some of them include genetics, bacteria, inflammation and overactive production of sebum (secretion by the sebaceous glands in the skin.)

Acne that is caused by inflammation or overactive sebaceous glands can be reduced with CBD, because of it’s unique properties. CBD also helps regulate sebum production. [19]

According to a test-tube study[20] on the subject, CBD oil prevents the sebaceous gland cells from secreting excessive sebum. Furthermore, it inhibits the activation of “pro-acne” agents like inflammatory cytokines.

That being said, CBD tinctures should not be used topically. CBD balms are better suited for supporting surface areas on the body. 

12. CBD tincture effects

Depending on the product you’re using, CBD tincture effects can vary from mild, advanced to therapeutic. Furthermore, the results also depend on the dosage, administration method and the frequency with which you’re using the product.

For the most optimal results, it’s advisable to use CBD at least twice a day. However, as with any other supplement, it would take at least a week before you notice the difference. A synergistically targeted formula with a blend of MCT oil, natural oils, and terpenes provides maximum sublingual efficacy and support to your endocannabinoid system.


13. Can you use CBD tincture for anxiety?


CBD provides a natural, organic path to relief. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 18 percent of people in the U.S. alone experience anxiety in their everyday lives.[21] For those willing to try more natural, non-pharmacological approaches, CBD has proved to be quite popular. Many users find that they’re able to get through their days better, and that they’re able to deal with minor challenges better.

Researchers believe that CBD’s effects on anxiety may be due to its ability to regulate serotonin production through the endocannabinoid system. . According to a study[22] published in Neuropsychopharmacology CBD may aid and lessen social anxiety. The research was conducted with a sample of 24 participants that experienced regular anxiety.

14. Can you vape CBD tincture?

No, you cannot vape CBD tincture, and you shouldn't even try. There are special CBD vape oils and dry herbs that are designed exclusively for vaping and vaping devices.

While you won’t want to choose pure CBD vape juices (CBD isolates), there are many reasons to consider a THC-free product.

To start, the boiling point—or point of vaporization—of THC is lower than that of CBD. CBD turns to vapor at 160-180° Celsius. Compare this to THC, which vaporizes at 157° Celsius. The lower vaporizing temperature of THC will impact the sublimation of both compounds.[23]

When you use a CBD vape juice, the active compounds enter the bloodstream immediately through the lungs. Hence, the results are rather fast and noticeable. Vaping is the quickest way to achieve the effects of CBD in the body. However, not every vape pen or vape device is suited for CBD use.


15. integrate cbd tincture into daily life

Tincture is one of the most commonly preferred ways of taking CBD. This is due to many factors such as bioavailability, ease of taking, and the fresh taste it leaves in your mouth. Start by taking ¼ of a dropped daily, and holding it under the tongue for 90 seconds. Alternately, you can add it to food or a morning beverage like coffee or a smoothie. If you do not feel results after one week, increase the dosage to ½ of a dropper. To learn more about dosing CBD see the CBD Dosage Guide.

People from all walks of life, with all types of lifestyles and an array of health concerns benefit from CBD every day. It’s time you do too.

